I simply cannot get enough of the the beauty that surrounds us. I dreaded winter's onset, what with the plowing and driving complications. But here I am enjoying it, in spite of myself.
I survey the forest as I walk silently down the path. The dog is busy inspecting every hole in snow where a mouse may have passed. What you can see when you take the time to actually look! Another small path carved in the snow crossed mine. First I thought it was a deer trail and then I noticed evidence of melting. It must have been something with a belly closer to the snow. Perhaps a fox or even beaver making it's way down to the brook for a drink of water.
Aahh those poor people on the highways down south making their way to work at this very minute. Stuck in four lanes of vehicles making their way slowly into the city. I wonder if they ever take the time to actually look at their surroundings.
It's not all perfect here. If we want pizza we have to make sure we bought it at the grocery store. Delivery service is simply not an option. If you have a craving for chocolate you're out of luck. Plan those cravings a week in advance. As a matter of fact, plan anything you can buy a week in advance. The closest Walmart may as well be on another planet. But, I don't have to hear car alarms or sirens and there isn't even one traffic light on my way to work. There is never anyone turning left from the far right lane! I'll have to tranquilize myself next time I visit the city.
The Christmas season is upon us and I have finally put up the Christmas tree and the cabin is decorated with all the trimmings. We have thousands of pine trees all around us however I have elected to use our artificial tree again this year. I'm usually chomping at the bit to start the Christmas season but I have been a little slow this year. We're so isolated and there will be no Christmas parties to attend. We are going to the city on Christmas Eve to gather with all the family. For that, I am excited. I can't wait to see the excitement on the faces of my grandchildren.
I close off for today. I'm barbecuing a meatloaf with squash and potatoes. Wish I could say I was doing it on a wood stove. That would be so apropos!